Pastor: Rev. Jeffrey Ware

Pastor Jeffrey W. Ware is, first and foremost, a redeemed sinner bought by the blood of Jesus Christ his Savior, washed clean in Holy Baptism, and fed and nourished by His body and blood. He is also a husband to his loving and dedicated wife Alysha and father to three blessed children, Kaylin, Gordon, and Owen.
Pastor Ware is originally from California, where he spent most of his childhood. He is a graduate of Concordia University, Irvine, CA (B.A.) and of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN (M-Div.). He served his vicarage at Living Word Lutheran Church, The Woodlands, TX, and was later called there as Assistant Pastor. During that time, he specialized in youth and young adult ministry, outreach, and service to the homebound. He also served as a deployed mission pastor for Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Houston, TX. He has been pastor at All Saints since 2014.
Pastor Ware is very active in Higher Things, a national Lutheran youth organization, where he serves on the Board of Directors. He has been invited to speak and teach at numerous Higher Things national and regional conferences and retreats. He also served as chaplain and catechist at multiple Higher Things conferences. Pastor Ware has also served as zone counselor for the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League and as Youth Director for Thrivent Financial as part of the Piney Woods chapter board, and has written for The Lutheran Witness and Higher Things.
He also enjoys spending time with his family outdoors, camping, hiking, and fishing. He is also an avid home chef and home brewer. His theological interests are primarily in the realm of practical ministry, including catechesis, pastoral care, homiletics, and liturgics.
Director of Music: Dr. Patricia G. Parker

Dr. Parker is the Director of music at All Saints, and is from Charlotte, NC. She is a graduate of Salem College in Winston-Salem, NC (B.M. In Organ Performance, minor in German Studies), and the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, NY (MM and DMA in Organ Performance and Literature). Her article, “New Perspectives on the Hildegard Organ Cycle”, was published in the August 2001 edition of the journal, The Diapason. For over 25 years, she has directed adult, youth, and children’s choirs in both church and school settings. An accomplished solo organist, Dr. Parker has played organ recitals in both Carolinas, Virginia, and upstate New York.
Dr. Parker, the owner of PPO Music Studio, is active as a private piano and organ instructor. As a member of the Charlotte Piano Teachers’ Forum, the National Federation of Music Clubs, and the American Guild of Organists, she has seen many students successfully participate in festivals, competitions, and scholarship auditions.
Dr. Parker’s musical interests include organ pedagogy, historical keyboard performance practice, composition, and jazz harmony. In her free time, she enjoys biking, rock hounding, and studying investment strategies.
Church Secretary: Katy Cloninger

Katy Cloninger joined the All Saints staff in 2019 as church secretary. Katy holds a bachelor’s degree in English from Newberry College (2012) and previously served as parish administrator at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Columbia, SC and as an administrative assistant at the South Carolina Department of Public Safety.
She is a copyeditor for Just and Sinner, a Confessional Lutheran publishing house committed to bringing the Lutheran faith to the forefront of theological, cultural, and philosophical dialogue in both academic and practical discourse. And, as if that’s not enough, she is also a homeschooling mom. In all her spare time, Katy enjoys reading, writing, day-hiking, and researching an eclectic range of topics.
Vicar: Joshua Pauling

Josh Pauling began his vicarage at All Saints in 2023 through the SMP Program, Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne. Prior to entering the program, he served as an elder for fifteen years, and was a high school history teacher and coach. He also is a furniture-maker, a classical educator with Classical Conversations, and has written for a variety of publications including Classical Lutheran Education Journal, LOGIA, The Lutheran Witness, Modern Reformation, Public Discourse, Salvo, and Touchstone.
He is the author of the book Education’s End: Its Undoing Explained, Its Hope Reclaimed, and co-author with Robin Phillips of the book Are We All Cyborgs Now? Reclaiming Our Humanity from the Machine.
Prior to his studies at CTSFW, he studied at Messiah University, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Winthrop University. He and his wife Kristi have two children who are being classically homeschooled.