All Saints Lutheran Church is a congregation that has been gathered by Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. We are gathered around His saving gifts of His Holy Word and Sacraments. The center of our life together is the Divine Service. As we gather for each service, we come into the presence of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. By hearing and receiving His Word, we are assured that by His death on the cross and resurrection from the dead, we are given forgiveness and new life in His name.
We joyfully hold to the teachings of the Scriptures as they are confessed in the Small Catechism of Martin Luther, the Augsburg Confession, and the entire Book of Concord of 1580. As a congregation of the LCMS, All Saints Lutheran Church embraces and participates in the great tradition of faithful historic Christianity, expressed in sacramental and liturgical worship, and lived out in the three estates. For more specific doctrinal positions, see: Beliefs – The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod – The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (
“We Preach Christ Crucified!”
The History of Our Church
All Saints Lutheran Church was formed on September 1, 1956, as a mission church of Ascension Lutheran in Charlotte. The first worship service was held on September 9, 1956. Our first location was at 900 Seneca Place just outside of uptown Charlotte.
After 46 years at the same location, the people of All Saints decided it was time to move to a new location and facility. In the fall of 2002, the voters of the congregation decided to relocate to South Charlotte. This was a big move for the congregation, but the goal of continuing the mission of reaching out with the Good News of the Gospel would remain the same!
In February of 2003, the doors to our new location at 17030 Lancaster Highway were opened to continue the work of our Lord Jesus Christ. Since the relocation, we have been blessed by many new members and several new opportunities.
All Saints Building Program
All Saints experienced rapid growth at our new location–so much so, that after only 10 years, All Saints needed to consider the possibility of either moving again to a larger facility or expanding the current one. In 2014, the voters decided to begin the process of expanding at our current location. In May of 2016, we “broke ground” on the expansion of the facility. After a number of delays construction began in March, 2017. The project included renovation of the sanctuary to accommodate a new pipe organ and new entry from the parking lot, renovation of existing offices and classrooms converting them into a fellowship hall, the addition of a new office and education wing with a new family bathroom and re-landscaping the entire property.
After many months of work by our contractors and dedicated members, not to mention the patience of our staff and members to continually adjust as weekly changes occurred while the entire facility was transformed, inside and out; our building project was completed and dedicated on All Saints Sunday, 2018.
The E.F. Walcker pipe organ was donated by Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, IN. It was restored by Lewtak Pipe Organ Builders in Mocksville, NC. Through a full-fledged restoration, repair, and refurbishment, Lewtak took the organ from its as-is condition to a beautifully better-than-new organ. For more on this project, see our Pipe Organ page.
In January of 2023 All Saints dedicated artwork to adorn our Sanctuary. Two paintings by Ed Riojas, one depicting the nativity of our Lord, the other depicting the resurrection of our Lord now hang on either side of the organ. A large crucifix carved by Demetz in Italy now hangs in front of the organ. For more on this project, see our Art and Symbols of the Church page.